Second International Workshop on Composable Data Management Systems, 2023
Workshop Venue: Vancouver, Canada - Co-located with VLDB 2023
Workshop Date: 28th August 2023
Announcements New!
- Deadline for Lightning Talk Proposals is extended to July 22nd 2023, 5 PM New!
Call For Lightning Talk Proposals
The aim of the CDMS workshop is to bring together database researchers, practitioners, developers and users from academia, business and industry to discuss and explore the area of building database management systems with emphasis on composability and reusability. The aim of the CDMS workshop is to bring together database researchers, practitioners, developers and users from academia, business and industry to discuss and explore the area of building database management systems with emphasis on composability and reusability. The second edition of the workshop invites proposals for lightning talks on topics that are relevant to the theme of the workshop. Lightning talks give attendees of the workshop an opportunity to present work at any phase of the research process. This track allows the speakers to garner feedback and gain exposure. The duration of the lightning talks will be limited to 5 minutes.
The list of topics of interest are as follows (the list is by no means exhaustive):
- Unified data models that cater to a wide range of data shapes, types and use cases
- Standard language support. Support for both deferred mode execution (SQL) and eager/interactive development (e.g. REPL, host language execution (Python/PyTorch)) Uniform operation semantics for interoperability across systems
- Engineering modular DM system components like parser, query optimizer, execution engine and transaction coordinator
- Query Processing and Optimization Techniques for composable DM systems
- Query Execution Techniques for composable DM systems
- Standardization of exchange protocols and API for different modules of DM systems
- Open source efforts for sharing composable DM modules
Submission Instructions for Lightning Talk Proposals
To submit a Lightning talk proposal, authors must provide a brief yet comprehensive summary of the talk's key contributions within the range of 300-500 words. The proposal should include a concise abstract and highlight the motivation behind the work, along with a summary of the contributions being presented. All submitted proposals will undergo peer-review by the members of the Programme Committee.
You can submit a proposal for lightning talk by sending an email to before the deadline with the following details. There is no need to submit a PDF.
- Speaker’s name:
- Affiliation:
- Email:
- My talk is about: (300-500 words)
Important Dates
- Deadline for lightning talk proposals:
July 15th 2023, 5pm PSTJuly 15th 2023, 5pm PSTNew! - Date of notification to authors for lightning talks: August 1st 2023
- Workshop Date: August 28th 2023